Top 8 Most Trusted Search Engines for Journals for Smart Research

After spending hours of hours scrolling through the google search engine in order to find the most relevant sources for your research paper, you end up exhausted and frustrated. Unfortunately, you couldn’t get anything worthy. Since you’re assigned the final research project, you won’t be able to earn the degree until you have successfully composed and submitted your dissertation.

Moreover, while inserting citations in your writing projects, it is crucial to access reliable sources to get the most authentic information. Therefore, students tend to seek numerous search engines for journals that provide a plethora of materials to get their research papers done.

Fortunately, with the advancement of internet technology, accessing numerous sources and other scientific and medical materials is just a click away. Students can now access numerous academic search engines and get information on a number of topics. Whether your dissertation topic is medical, engineering, or tech-based, these search engines deliver rich information from credible sources.

The Topmost Academic Search Engines for Journals

Below is the list of top research search engines for journals that provide the most precise information regarding almost every topic. However, some of them are free to access and some might demand a specific fee in order to use them. In addition, some of these research sites are explicitly used for scientific areas. Hence, determine which educational search engine suits your topic.

1. Google Scholar

Who is unaware of Google Scholar? This is the most renowned, used, and preferred academic search engine, which is absolutely free to access. This educational search engine analyzes educational content from numerous online internet sources. Data from a variety of scholarly sources is listed on Google Scholar, the majority of which have undergone critical analysis. It was established in 2004 and is now one of the most popular academic resources for researchers and students.


  • Extensive database coverage with almost 200 million articles
  • Provides abstract summary
  • Suggests relevant articles
  • Displays references in APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard, and multiple formats
  • Mentions links to the full text
  • Gives references and citations
  • Shows more relevant results to the keyword


  • Some articles might not be available in full text
  • Only a snippet of abstracts is shown

Also, Read our previously written blog on how to search on Google Scholar.

2. ResearchGate

ResearchGate is another academic search engine for journals that combines a web-based social networking site, a community, and resource libraries where scholars may create personal profiles, exchange research papers, and communicate. The collection of publications offered by ResearchGate is a fantastic selection for any interested scholar, despite the fact that it is not an educational search engine that ventures off of its website.

On the website, more than 11 million scholars have contributed more than 100 million publications. In addition to asking the researchers questions, it is possible to search by publication, data, and author.


  • An incredible platform to find literary papers and researchers by their names
  • Allows you to follow the researchers and remain updated with their publications
  • This network can be useful in finding the sources relevant to your topic
  • You can ask questions to researchers around the world
  • You can find free online academic journals


  • The website is not pretty user-friendly
  • Finding relevant papers could be hard
  • You need to create an account to access journals


GetCITED is yet one of the most effective scientific search engines for journals that help you access data hassle-freely. It is an educational database that collects publications from scholarly journals and references online. Everything pertaining to scholarly papers, including chapters, research articles, dissertations, and presentations, is available on this one-stop-shop website. You can simply look through the bibliographies to find relevant information.

Additionally, you can discover details about every author and his written output. A thorough database and discussion forum are the main standout aspects of this search engine for journals. It enables everyone in the academic community to participate in its database resources. Over 30,000 authors have written over 3,000,000.


  • Outstanding platform for searching scientific journals
  • Allows you to collaborate with researchers
  • Discussion forums to ask your queries
  • More than 3 million sources are available


  • Signing up might be cumbersome

4. PubMed

If you’re a medical student and looking for medical search engines for journals, then stop right here on PubMed. This free search engine offers citations and abstracts for subjects related to medicine, the life sciences, and biomedicine. This website is ideal if you’re researching something relevant to the medical or scientific fields.

The National Center for Biotechnology Information, a section of the U.S. National Library of Medicine, runs Public Med Central. And over 3 million research papers in the complete text can be found there. It is comparable to PubMed Health, a database of over 26 million articles with an emphasis on health-related research.


  • Contains more than 34 million citations and abstracts of biomedical literature
  • Accessible to the public for free
  • Provides links to the full text


  • It specifically provides medical-related journals
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5. Microsoft Academic Search

Another notable search engine for journals is Microsoft Academic Search. It is created by Microsoft and currently contains over 48 million articles from more than 20 million writers. It contains a number of scientific periodicals, including those in medical, engineering, sociology, and computer programming.

It has introduced a variety of new techniques for looking up academic resources such as articles, publishers, sessions, and journals. This academic search engine can search for material based on authors or domains.


  • This search engine provides more than 48 million articles
  • You can access to full text of journals
  • Shows a variety of journals such as engineering, medical, etc.


  • This search engine is free for specific people only

6. RefSeek

A lot of students use RefSeek to search over five billion resources, including websites, publications, journals, articles, and newspapers. This is one of the popular yet free search engines that resembles Yahoo and has a sizable index. When you are simply seeking original research ideas, it might be beneficial. It might direct you to a resource that you were unaware of, like the CIA.


  • You can filter results by the document type, date, and language
  • Allows you to export formats to Endnote, Zotero, RefWorks, BibTeX, etc.
  • Contains more than 5 billion papers
  • A highly user-friendly search engine that provides focused research results
  • This is absolutely free to use


  • You may find its navigation a bit outdated
  • Requires effort to search for the most relevant paper
  • Lots of ads on this search engine

7. Educational Resources Information Center

ERIC is yet another fantastic academic search engine that concentrates on literature about education. It is created by the Institute of Education Sciences and financed by the U.S. Department of Education.  From pre-kindergarten through higher learning, ERIC contains more than a million articles, reports, research articles, and other materials on all facets of education. As a result, search results for Education on ERIC are more pertinent.


  • Allows you to restrict your research to peer-reviewed journals
  • Holds a number of reports, journals, articles, and other publications
  • Free only database for research
  • It is a versatile search engine not only for students but for instructors as well
  • It Shows relevant results as well


  • A few articles might not be available in full text
  • Abstracts are available in snippet

8. Bielefeld Academic Search Engine

Bielefeld Academic Search Engine, also known as BASE, is hosted by Bielefeld University in Germany. Because it comprises more than one billion documents from 4,000 distinct sources, it is regarded as one of the most thorough academic web search engines for journals.

If you’re looking for a book, article, seminar, webinar, or dissertation, BASE has everything you need. You can focus your searches using the advanced search option. The arts, humanities, social sciences, and scientific sciences are just a few of the subjects that BASE covers.


  • This is one of the huge education search engines for journals that contains over a billion papers
  • You can use the Advanced Search feature to limit the results
  • Contains journals from a range of disciplines


  • Some articles may not include abstracts
  • Does not show relevant articles

Bottom Line

A lot of academic search engine journals are available over the internet that can be used by students, instructors, researchers, and scholars in order to acquire the most relevant and authentic information they seek. Therefore, the aforementioned list provides a list of these sites where you can just insert your query and find results hassle-freely. Each of these search engines for journals offers a wide range of tools and advanced search.

So, keep your mind and eyes open while writing your research paper in order to end up with an exceptional piece of paper with reliable sources and references.

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