Our privacy policy includes the collection, usage, disclosure, and confidentiality of users’ personal information, which is collected through the website while filling out the form. Other than this, we gather users’ personal data in order to identify your requirements and strive to provide those services in an improved manner. However, these pieces of information are used in accordance with our privacy policy.
Our website is a registered academic writing agency, which can be accessed through laptops, desktops, smartphones, and tablets to get smart services. ScholarlyHelp is committed to respecting and protecting user privacy. Therefore, we make sure to store personal user data in a secure and safe database, which is only accessible by the website authorities, while executing your projects.
Collection of Personal Data
Keep in mind all the user information and personal data we acquire is provided by the user, himself. We collect and store your information with your consent. We can collect such personal information through various ways, such as filling the form, contacting us, placing orders, accepting cookies, live chatting, and so on. However, we do not use any third way to capture your information without your permission. All data that we gather is stored safely as per the authorized protections.
Use of Personal Data
While using your personal information, we strive our best to protect your private data. Although all data is collected with your consent and is only used in case of some urgency. Such as, your information can be used on the demand of courts or law enforcement in order to obey the regulations implemented on us.
We might also store your personal information to identify the real demands of our users and try to improve our services according to your desires. For instance, if you ordered a particular service from our website, we may provide you with information about related products. In order to send such information, we require the user’s personal information to detect the website issues.
Cookies are the small files created by the website you visit. This is used to make your online experience simpler by saving your browsing information, yet with your consent. When you visit our website, you can either ‘enable’ or ‘disable’ cookies. However, these are only used to remember your site preferences and provide you with related content.
There are two types of cookies we use, persistent cookies, which remain on your device to track the information, such as login passwords and registration IDs. And, Session ID cookies, which expire once you close your browser. Yet, providing your personal information is always in your hands by accepting or rejecting the cookies’ functionality.
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